Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Middle High YAC

Attention!!! Middle School youth and parents:

Saturday, November 11, is Youth Annual Conference. It will be at Noblesville First UMC from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. We will depart from Bradley at 8:15 a.m. and return around 9:45 p.m. There is a possibility some drivers will be needed.

Cost: $50/per (including potential parents who want to drive and stay - however, that's not necessary - you can simply run the "cab" service in the morning and that evening)

$25 scholarships are available to the youth of Bradley UMC who will be attending. Please let Clarinda know if you would like to receive one of these. Those wishing to receive one do have some paperwork to complete. They will be paid via "reimbursement" (upon proof of registration).

Registration deadline, without incurring a $10 late fee, is due by Nov. 1.

You may either register and pay via credit/debit card online, OR print the registration form and submit it and your money to Clarinda. If printing the registration form and registering via Clarinda, please get your registration form and money to her by Sunday, Oct. 29 (remember, there is no youth group that evening, so you'll need to catch her in the morning).

Please feel free to e-mail this post (using the link below) to anyone you think is interested and please encourage them to get signed up for the weekly e-Newsletter or, at the very least, to check-in at the church's website or blog on occasion.

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