Monday, October 02, 2006

"The Ground Truth"

The following letter was e-mailed to Senior High Youth and Young Adults today. It is important for youth and their parents to read.

On Wednesday, October 4, Senior High Youth and Young Adults have been invited to a screening of the freshly released documentary movie, The Ground Truth, at my house. I received this movie today and viewed it in its entirety. Because of the nature of this documentary, the following information is being disclosed to you prior to attendance at the viewing.

All those under the age of 18 must have the below release signed by a parent. Youth will not be allowed to view this movie without bringing this signed form with them.

The film: The Ground Truth is an independent production in association with Universal Studios Home Entertainment. My attention was brought to this film via the group, Sojourners – an Evangelical social action organization ( It does present a side to the War in Iraq that may not be shared by everyone, but it is my hope that it will be a catalyst for conversation. It is 78 minutes of interviews and imagery primarily with and by veterans of the current Iraq War. There are also interviews with people from the medical, science and social work professions. Many military ranks and branches are represented.

For further information (including a trailer of the movie), you may visit the websites:

Outline of the evening:

  • Gathering/Fellowship/Introductions (accompanied by some light snacks)
  • Reading of Psalm 46 & Opening Prayer
  • Viewing of the film, The Ground Truth
  • Discussion of the film (with a look at John & Charles Wesley’s attitude on war and current United Methodist teaching – which is non-binding – of war, the military and terrorism as it relates to the current situation in Iraq)
  • Wrap-up & Closing Prayer

I give permission to _____________________________ to view the movie, The Ground Truth on Wednesday, October 4, 2006, at the home of Clarinda Crawford. In addition to the above information, I understand this movie contains some violent content and language. I have read the above information and done the necessary research to allow my son/daughter to participate.

Parent Signature: ________________________________

Date: __________________

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