Having been a former student at one of our United Methodist schools in Indiana and having been active in a campus ministry program at that school…and having decided to pursue ministry while at this school, I STRONGLY support and encourage your support of our campus ministries in Indiana. For more information and to see videos, visit: www.inumc.org/campusministry. With the recent unification of the two Indiana Annual Conferences, most all programming funds were stripped from the Conference budget. One of the items getting completely removed from the budget was Campus Ministry. As former Vice-Chair of the South Indiana Conference Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry this has devastating effects on our campus outreach ministries – including things like the Wesley Foundation at Purdue and similar ministries at ISU and BSU, not just DePauw, Evansville and UIndy. Campus Ministry monies help fund staff (Chaplains) and programs at the various institutions.
If you are interested in supporting Campus Ministries (UM-related) throughout Indiana, you may write checks payable to INUMC (memo: campus ministry) and mail to:
The Indiana Conference of the UMC
Attn: Campus Ministry Offering
301 Pennsylvania Pkway, Suite 300
Indianapolis, IN 46280
Thank you!