Love Inc: Just called me this morning and they have someone who needs help moving on Monday, August 3. I know this isn’t a very convenient time for most everyone, BUT if you’re available to help this person, please call the Love Inc office directly: 468-6300 for more information or to volunteer.
Free books: There are many free books in the Church Office from New Testaments to full Bibles to Prayer Guide study books (0ver 20 of these) to books on Leadership. These books are located on the bottom two shelves of the book case in the main office. Please help yourself! Perhaps you might even consider doing a study with some of them.
Soup Kitchen: The Kenneth Butler Memorial Soup Kitchen is nearing completion. Look for it to open within the month. Once an exact date is pin pointed, there will be a need to begin filling up all the volunteer worker slots. If you are retired or have a day-off during the week, please consider lending a day a month to the Soup Kitchen. Saturday’s will also be available.
Parenting Class & Tutoring: The tutoring program will once again be held this year, but with an addition. In conjunction with the Monday night tutoring session, there will be a meal served at 6 p.m. for parents/guardians and their students. Following the meal parents will participate in a Parenting Class / Support Group while the kids go to tutoring. The entire evening will run from 6 – 8 p.m. for everyone. We’ll begin on August 24. What can you do to help?
- Meal Coordinator?? Don’t have to be there on Monday’s, but will be in charge of all organization of the meals….
- Help with meals – prepare food in advance or volunteer to be in the kitchen
- Help with the Parenting Class – serve as a facilitator….just be there to help young families in need of parenting skills….
- Be a tutor!! Work with the kids and their homework…
- If you can’t provide your Presence to any of the above, Gifts are also welcomed to help support this new initiative with a twist from last year.
Summer Youth Groups: The Youth Schedule for the rest of the summer is getting a bit precarious. Here is where things stand. If you have thoughts, please let me know:
- This Sunday, July 19 @ Kohne’s
- Sunday, July 26 – Free Sunday….anyone have suggestions?? Want to host a pool party???
- Sunday, August 2 – Need a host family…The Hubers were originally scheduled, but they won’t be able to host the Youth Groups that evening…
- Sunday, August 9 – Clarinda on Vacation (parents welcome to bring forth ideas to keep consistency…)
- Sunday, August 16 – Clarinda on Vacation
- Sunday, August 23 – begin new school-year schedule
Sunday, August 2 – (see above….location: TBA) 6:30-7:30 p.m. a meeting with parents and youth to go over, schedule and plan the entire 2009-2010 Youth Calendar (September – May). Please bring your ideas and there will be PLENTY of times for volunteers (from teaching on occasion to leading in games and planning special outings)
In September there will be a full slate of class offerings for youth: including Confirmation, Surviving Middle School, an overview of World Religions and Human Sexuality. These will be classes with specific times and youth will register. They will be open for those in grades 6-12 who want a learning/discussion time. Youth Group will have a regular bible-based class to it. With the exception of Confirmation, these classes will function outside of the regular Youth Group genre, be short-term (6-8 weeks) and most likely meet at Clarinda’s house OR an alternative location in the community somewhere.
IF there is a high enough registration for the Human Sexuality class to begin in September, an orientation/information session will be held for parents on Thursday, August 20 @ 6 p.m. so please pencil this into your calendar if you’ll be interested.