This is a little past due, but 2 weeks ago, my Confirmation Class (in yet another attempt to sidetrack me!) asked if animals/pets go to heaven. A really seemingly important way to answer this question is: "Would it be heaven for you if your pet wasn't there?"
For centuries now, this has been debated in various faiths and has been the subject of much discussion. There are the questions over scriptural passages...and do animals have spirits or souls? What does our faith's doctrine say (or what does the Pope say)? So for the beloved creatures we love and for the companionship and unconditional love they return, I offer these thoughts.
What is heaven? How do you envision heaven? If it's a bunch of floating spirits on clouds with harps, then I'm not sure I'm interested --- seems rather boring and not all that pretty to me. HOWEVER, is it even possible to dream beyond that we do not know? And aren't we constantly reminded that things of God go well beyond us? Why would heaven be different? How can we possibly expect to take our human minds (the average human only uses 10% of the brain anyway, right? Or something like that) and envision what heaven must be like?? How many times have been in a really glorious place or moment in our life and said, "This is heavenly!" Do we mean it?? If so, perhaps the grandeur of the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls or the Alps or a night of movies and hot chocolate, snuggled up on the couch (with another human being or our pet) - should be well-considered when we envision heaven?
From Genesis (1:30 - "And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life....") to Revelation where the vision is of the Christ-figure riding on a white horse, there are various passages pertaining to animals.
Genesis 9:10-11
Genesis 9:17
Psalm 148
Jonah 3:7-8
Jonah 4:11
Mark 16:15
Romans 8:22
Of course there are all the parables and comparisons to sheep, goats...Jesus as the lamb and God as a " mothering hen" watching over "her brood."
I understand and believe God to have brought about all creation - however that happened could be debated - and God brought them into creation to each have an important part within the environment they live. Perhaps, "live" is an important term there not be glossed over. Creatures are living - and life comes from the Spirit. Without spirit, there is no life - as we can witness when a physical body dies. Spirit, however, is eternal and ever-living and does not die.
Regardless of how we experience things to be here on earth and imagine them to be in the beyond, there are some assurances we have: 1) God is love. 2) God wants creation to live well, peacefully and with a love for their creator. 3) Human beings were made in the image of God. 4) God's greatest desire is for us to live with one another just as God would live if physically present and alive in our society today. 5) God wants creation to forever reside alongside Godself and within our very breath, resides God.
A creation undergoing evolution by Clarinda Crawford. Also, a temporary blog home to The Beloved Community United Methodist Church in High Point, NC.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Killers, "Human"
I don't think there could be a more subliminally spiritual band in our generation at this moment. The Killers latest Top 20 hit song, Human, captures an incredible theology. Before I pontificate on it, I first encourage you to view the music video and offer your thoughts and commentary. You can click here to see the video. The chorus is "Are we human? Or are we dancer?"
Friday, February 13, 2009
God and Airplanes (yes, there's such a thing as bad theology!)

Perhaps, under normal circumstances, I would have let such an image just slide under my radar of commentary; however, I can't. Folks, especially church-folk (whether they attend a church or work in one or just claim some allegiance to God or Christianity, in this case) need to make sure they FULLY understand the message they send when they carelessly or un-carelessly forward "religious" e-mails. I had one very quick thought when I received this e-mail this morning and I share with you an edited response I sent to my colleague: "Funny, then, how God didn't apparently give a damn about the 49 people in Buffalo." (the death toll has since increased to 50) So, I picture a revamped picture with the Devil's flaming hot hands casting Flight 3407 down onto a house (no doubt with a child looking out the window) as a ball of flames.
- During the flight of 1549, God was with the birds that haphazardly flew into the engines.
- During the flight of 1549, God was with the pilots who had been well-trained as they guided the plane into a safe belly landing into the Hudson River.
- During the flight of 1549, God was with all the people as they followed the instructions of their flight crew and remained calm enough to follow evacuation procedures.
- During the flight of 1549, God was with the passengers as they used flotation devices and waited for rescue crews in freezing cold waters.
- During the flight of 1549, God was with the first responders as they did what they had been well-trained to do to man boats and proceed with a rescue mission.
- God DID NOT tell the birds to take flight at that moment and take a path of suicide into those engines.
- God DID NOT miraculously take over the cockpit controls and land the plane on the river.
- God DID NOT hold the plane up in the water.
- During the flight of 3407, God was with the flight crew and passengers as something went wrong with the humanly-created bird and took it in a nose-dive toward a house.
- During the flight of 3407, God was with the people in the house as they innocently were going through their nightly rituals, not realizing a large commuter plane was about to burst into flames upon entry through the home's roof.
- During the flight of 3407, God was with the first responders as they did what they had been well-trained to do: to react quickly in putting out flames, securing the area and protecting neighboring properties and searching for remaining life, if and where possible.
- During the flight of 3407, God was with the loved ones waiting 5 miles away at an airport to greet their family and friends arriving.
- God DID NOT see to it that a perfect ice storm weighted the wings of the plane, just so, as to not receive adequate lift to make it's final turn into descent.
- God DID NOT decide it would be best to just take the controls in the cockpit and force the plane into a nosedive into an occupied residence below.
- God DID NOT want this to happen.
To name some significant crashes throughout America's history:
Pan Am Flight 7
United Flight 585
ValuJet Flight 592
Allegheny Flight 853
American Eagle Flight 4184
TWA Flight 232
USAir Flight 405
USAir Flight 427
TWA Flight 514
These flights and hundreds of others (including small aircraft crashes/collisions) do not represent passengers or family members any less in favor with God than those that were able to swim away from the Hudson River crash because of God's miraculous work to see to it that it was, indeed, that way.
Unless you want to believe God deliberately saved those on the Hudson River Flight and subsequently cared less for those in Buffalo, please think things through and think about what you're forwarding! Apparently, good God-talk is losing out in our society.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
New Bradley Directory Available!
A new Bradley "Members and Friends" Directory is available. If you would like a .pdf copy of this updated directory, please e-mail me. It is not available on my website or the church's website in order to protect privacy. This is being done to give those associated with a Bradley updated addresses, phone numbers, etc. Once the Senior Pastor exchange has occurred, to do a new pictorial directory, we will need an individual or a group of individuals step-up to organize it. Be thinking if this is something you'd be interested in pursuing later this summer. If you would like one without e-mail addresses, please indicate so you in your request. THANK YOU!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Junior Jam for 3rd-5th Graders
Kids: how does a high-energy, all-day event with a rockin' praise band, crazy games, hands-on activities, exciting videos and all sorts of other amazing activities sound to you? If that sounds sweet, then you should go to Junior Jam. Held at Cedarville University (Ohio) on Saturday, March 28, you can have an awesome time at this year's Junior Jam themed-event Roof Raisin' Ruckus. For more information, talk to Nicholas Kohne on a Sunday morning. he has been a counselor for this event the last four years. You are in for a great time! You can sign-up in the Church Office or e-mail Nicholas or Clarinda. ALL the forms necessary for this event (including an information sheet) are appropriately labeled and found by clicking here. Deadline to register is March 1 and registrations will be processed through the church. Make checks payable to: Bradley UMC. Parent drivers may be needed for this event...or additional funds will be necessary to rent a vehicle.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
CedarMania for Middle Schoolers!
Middle Schoolers: do you want a high-energy, action-packed, all-night event with an awesome praise band, exciting competitions, crazy games, a pizza party and a scrumptious breakfast? If you answer, "YES," then CedarMania is for you! Held at Cedarville University (Ohio) on Friday, March 13 through Saturday, March 14, you can have an awesome time playing games, running through the giant inflatable obstacle course, and worshipping God. For more information, talk to Nicholas Kohne on a Sunday morning. You can sign-up in the Church Office or e-mail Nicholas or Clarinda. ALL the forms necessary for this event (including an information sheet) are appropriately labeled and found by clicking here. Financial help is available with certain guidelines and stipulations. See Clarinda about this. Deadline to register is March 1 and registrations will be processed through the church. Make checks payable to: Bradley UMC. Parent drivers may be needed for this event...or additional funds will be necessary to rent a vehicle.
KiDZONe - "Youth Group" for the kids!
All new and all for kids!!! KiDZONe! There is going to be all sorts of things happening from rockin' music to wacky skits to exciting games and even a yummy snack. Beginning on March 15th from 3-4:30 p.m., the new program will begin with "God's Calling" as you learn about how God has called you. It's all new for you at Bradley. KiDZONe if for kids in 1st-5th grade. Come and have a fantastic time at KiDZONe!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
NEW Leaders Needed for Indiana UMC
WANTED: Energetic, committed Christians to help lead the new Indiana Conference.
Anyone interested please complete the survey below, filling in as completely as possible, as you indicate your gifts and areas of passion and interest.
The Nominating Committee will use these reports during their process of recommending members for the new conference committees.
If you know talented individuals you would like to see take a leadership role in the new conference, please ask them to complete this survey.
We especially encourage Youth and Young Adults to become active in the new conference; you have always heard that you are the future church. The Future is Now!
Please complete the survey by March 4, 2009.
Complete the survey!
Please call 800-919-8160, ext. 226 if you have any questions.
Anyone interested please complete the survey below, filling in as completely as possible, as you indicate your gifts and areas of passion and interest.
The Nominating Committee will use these reports during their process of recommending members for the new conference committees.
If you know talented individuals you would like to see take a leadership role in the new conference, please ask them to complete this survey.
We especially encourage Youth and Young Adults to become active in the new conference; you have always heard that you are the future church. The Future is Now!
Please complete the survey by March 4, 2009.
Complete the survey!
Please call 800-919-8160, ext. 226 if you have any questions.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Soup Kitchen: Ways to Help!
Updated information for Soup Kitchen Volunteers.
*because the number of volunteers fluctuates daily, you are asked to check in with Donnie Couch (317-462-9900, Soup Kitchen #) or Allen Corely (317-627-6404) to confirm the number of people and to see if they need drinks and plates for that specific day.
- The Soup Kitchen is in need of someone with grant writing experience. If you would like to help the soup kitchen in this way, please let Donnie Couch know. Email Donnie now.
- Allen Corley (in-charge of construction) is looking to do some things this Saturday on the building (Feb. 7) and could use some volunteers. I know it's earlier than Feb. 14 and we'll still be working our S.O.S. job at the Soup Kitchen on Feb. 14, but if you are available to help this Saturday, please e-mail Donnie.
- If you are interested in helping with the Soup Kitchen renovation, but can't do physical labor work, perhaps you would consider helping to provide a lunch* for those working during the week. C. Ann Beard is coordinating the lunches. Email C. Ann or call: 317-681-7396.
*because the number of volunteers fluctuates daily, you are asked to check in with Donnie Couch (317-462-9900, Soup Kitchen #) or Allen Corely (317-627-6404) to confirm the number of people and to see if they need drinks and plates for that specific day.
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