Okay...about the Brock Gill Show. For those of you who went, you got to see a very enjoyable show, right?? It was a truly awesome illusioning performance (and for only $10)! There were illusions performed all the way from cards and cut-the-woman-in-half-in-the-box to riding a dirt bike around the auditorium with a blindfold (did Mount Vernon school officials know about this?) and even doing some "mentalist" tricks on unsuspecting audience members. Most of this was done with little to know overt "preaching." However, the last talk and final illusion is what I want to talk about in this entry.
I took as copious notes as possible in the dark. I captured phrases that stood out to me while Brock spoke (these are in quotation marks) and I also jottted down my own comments or questions (italicized). Here is that draft of notes:
- "Satan is real...as real as Jesus..."
- "There is evil..."
- "Romans 6....slave to righteousness or slave to sin..."
- "Jesus is master or satan is master..."
- "Devil has plan to ruin your life...Jesus' plan is to give you new life..."
- "Bondage...strings from a controlling satan..."
- Sin is separation from God.
- "Jesus as master..."
- "Who is your master?"
- "Ask God to show you your life tonight and to speak to you..."
- [a ton of statitistics were quoted about drug use, rape, divorce, suicide, etc...]
- So much of this is being delivered in a very warring/war-tone language. Is this attractive to today's youth - given the state of our world?
- "When will this ever end?"
- [Brock talked about a book, Fatal Sins]
- "Jesus died to set you free...Jesus wants to cut away the devil's strings..."
- "He was more than a miracle worker...more than a world leader...he was God's son...to set you free from sin...get to father in heaven...your eyes have been opened tonight..."
- "God drawing you into himself...turn your life over to him...let him be your master..."
- "There is no magical saving prayer....that notion is just absolutely wrong...only Jesus saves...you have to surrender your life to him..."
- "Just say yes...that's all that you have to do..."
- "It's difficult to live a true Christian life..."
- "I choose to follow Jesus no matter what..."
- "Jesus is going the opposite direction of everyone else..."
- "[Everyone else in society] is going left and you are going right."
- Isn't that an interesting way to put it...
- What would it look like if Christians simply practiced what they were called to do?
- Who has ever seen or met God, or "the devil", in order to give such an accurate description?
- How does any of this, if at all, change your faith?
- How would Jesus react to the message??
- How would Jesus react to the final performance (which was a dramatic re-enactment of "the devil" having "strings" attached to an individual that led them to drugs, etc...)?
- How is evil/"devil"-ish work portrayed in our society right now?